Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year, New Meaning, New Life?

So that's it! 2013 is wrapped up in a pretty "Red Box" snapped tightly closed and placed into my "Year Cupboard". The first day few days of the New Year are my days of 2013 recap, a summary of what I am thankful for. These days are sort of like the American Thanksgiving holiday in which I give thanks to the highlights of the previous year.

This year's highlights included:

My exemplar marks in the final exams. 
My growing amount of Twitter followers (follow me @In_Ambers_World)
The Girls chess team attaining 4th place at Our Chess National Competition
My personal growth.

What is 2014 for me? 

2014 for me is a year of mental and spiritual growth, a year in which I will FINALLY develop the routines and skills I wanted to in past years. 

It is a year in which I will stand for what I believe in and in which I will open my mind and broaden my horizons. 

Resolutions anyone?

I am probably not the only one in the world that struggles to keep up with their resolutions, but this year it is on my long long list of resolutions and I will persevere.

Each year is physically write a list and each year I lose said list. I have put certain principles in place to adhere to this year, hopefully they work. 

I will most definitely participate in NaNoWriMo again because I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am looking forward to my senior years at high school and hope that they will not fly by as fast as the previous ones did.

2014 is a "bursting suitcase" that I have to pack up before next year and I look forward to it.

But before I say goodbye, why the metaphors? you may ask. 

The metaphors make the year sound more exciting. I urge you to try it.

But for now it's goodbye readers...

Amberly M. Oosthuizen

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