Sunday 15 September 2013

Challenge for Week 38 of 2013

It may be a little late in the year, but I have come up with weekly challenges to boost my experience in life. 

My goal for myself this week: Learn to be ambidextrous- again.

The idea came to mind when I was going through my old Third Grade photos this morning. I broke my right wrist/arm in three places that year from falling off the monkey bars at school. I spent the year writing with my left hand and not very well, if I may add.

So this means I need to cut, write, draw, type etc. with only my left hand. This is an exceedingly difficult challenge because I have an art project due this week and I absolutely cannot draw with my hand without the drawings looking like the ones I drew on the walls years ago.

It's a good challenge because I'm working on The Piano Duet from Corpse Bride this week and I'm already feeling the strain in my right hand. Hope I won't be wearing a wrist-brace by Friday.

All in all, looking forward to the week and will have a report back on the challenge on Saturday.

I urge you guys to set yourself a challenge this week and let me know by commenting on this post.

You guys are awesome
Amberly M. Oosthuizen
P.S. This post was written entirely in my left hand.

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